Education & Trainings

The work of fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging begins with increasing self-awareness and building competency. The below education and training opportunities can help you in your journey.

Reducing Bias, Preventing and Responding to Microaggressions

In this training, participants will learn and define implicit bias and microaggressions, the ways they are formed, and their negative impacts. Through scenario-based practice, participants will learn to be active bystanders to address microaggressions.

Person standing and writing on a large white poster board, he is wearing grey pants and a black blazer jacket.

Supervision Through an Inclusive Lens

During this session, participants will learn to differentiate practices and barriers to becoming an inclusive supervisor. Through scenario-based examples, we will explore opportunities to incorporate inclusive practices within different work environments.

Future dates to be announced!

Person with short brown hair sitting at a table writing on a notebook with a colorful backpack sitting next to the notebook.

Leadership Framework for Action on Equity & Inclusion

Participants will read “The Inclusive Leader” by Dr. Artika Tyner and come together in a two-hour session to discuss Dr. Tyner’s Leadership Framework for Action. Participants will examine traditional versus inclusive leadership approaches. Small group discussions will give participants the opportunity to share their intrapersonal experiences and identify opportunities for inclusive leadership at the interpersonal level. Participants will leave with strategies for making their organization more inclusive and equitable.

Future dates to be announced!

Two people in the foreground of the photo are sitting at a table, looking down and writing. The person nearest the camera has dark skin and is wearing a blue shirt, black and white vertical striped blazer jacket, and a red, blue, and black pattered head wrap. The person sitting slightly further away has light skin, curly light brown hair, and some facial hair. The person is wearing a red and grey flannel shirt and brown eyeglasses.

Additional Training Offerings from Others at KU

  • LinkedIn Learning via MyTalent

    LinkedIn Learning offers an online library of high-quality video courses for helping improve your professional skills. The entire online library is available to current KU faculty and staff through KU’s Talent Development system at You can find DEI related modules by clicking "browse," then scrolling to "professional development" and selecting diversity and inclusion.

  • Student Social Justice Training

    The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) offers a variety of trainings to KU students looking to further their journeys in social justice and equity work.

  • SafeZone

    The Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity (SGD) provides SafeZone training which helps to give allies the tools to make their spaces more accommodating and affirming for queer and trans* (QT) students. This training is the first in a series of three major workshops which provide the first steps towards allyship.