Message from the Vice Provost: Election-Related Resources Available, Before and After the Vote


As we approach Election Day, the units within Academic Success, Diversity & Equity, and Student Affairs want to call your attention to the election-related resources and events through the Center for Service Learning Civic Engagement Hub and our social media campaign.

The Civic Engagement Hub highlights a variety of resources tailored to our campus community and includes: 

Our collaborative social media campaign will focus on voting, campus resources, upcoming events, and wellness tips. Keep up with this campaign led by the Center for Service LearningStudent Support and Case Management, and Student Conduct and Community Standards by following #KUVotes. 

Our shared Jayhawk Values focus on unity, innovation, inclusion, and engagement. During this election season and beyond, we encourage you to find meaningful ways to get involved and advocate for what you believe. Engage one another in a manner that honors our values.  If you participate in a demonstration or other form of in-person activism, adhere to the Protect KU Pledge with proper precautions to protect yourself and others, just as you would in any other context. Report any incidents of harassment or discrimination to the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access (IOA)


Rock Chalk, 


Tammara Durham, Ed.D. 

Vice Provost for Student Affairs 


Susan Klusmeier, Ed.D. 

Vice Provost for Academic Success 


Jennifer Ng, Ph.D. 

Interim Vice Provost for Diversity & Equity