Religious Holidays

You can search and filter by religion, date, or if the holiday has a recommended accommodation using the filter functions. Note that there are multiple pages, so be sure you click the arrows at the bottom of the table to see all of the content.

use this format: CCYY-MM-DD. example: 2021-05-23
use this format: CCYY-MM-DD. example: 2021-05-23
Holiday Recommended Accommodation 2022 2023 2024 Religion
Ascension of the Bahá'u'lláh Baha’i
Ash Wednesday Roman Catholic
Beltane Pagan
Birth of Bahá'u'lláh Baha’i
Buddha Day/Visakha Puja Buddhist
Chinese New Year Buddhist, Confucian
Christmas Eastern Orthodox Christian
Christmas Christian
Diwali Hindu
Easter Christian